Darma Yudha Young Research Program 2019 at Lipat Kain Village-Kampar, 12-13 January. It is a research program organized by Darma Yudha Junior Red Cross Organization and WWF Central Sumatra.
The students did a research about water quality in Sebayang River including BOD, COD, Oxygen, water current and purification.
The students also learnt to estimate the number of specific plants by Quadrant Sampling Method.
Next, the students also did a social and charity session with the locals by sharing about healthy lifestyle and medical check up.
This program was also completed by Night presentation, BbQ and closed by Jungle Exploration.
Students gained different kind of knowledge and improve their social awarness as well.
To sump up, the students Will “Love The Earth” more than ever before. (M.Ridwan)